PAST PROGRAMS: (Still Relevant and Important Today)
Two of the PAST PROGRAMS are dedicated in loving memory of Michael David Besancon. We honor him in heartfelt gratitude for his friendship and for the wonderful, fully alive human being he was. He gave of himself wholeheartedly in a spirit of love and willing sacrifice.
Michael passed away unexpectedly in December of 2024.
His memory is preserved here with his appearance in two of these videos and in so many other places, including our hearts.
Sunday, November 17ᵗʰ, 2024 (4pm-6pm Eastern Time)
The Seeds for Jubilee Foundation announced a FREE Journey Conferences Zoom program:
“Numinosity and the Quest for the Infinite”

David P. Johnson, M.Div., Ph.D.
Dr. Johnson is a licensed clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst in Iowa City, Iowa with over 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist and clinician. A former Lutheran minister, he is also interested in spirituality and dreamwork.
“Numinosity and the Quest for the Infinite”
The presentation of this material, along with an opportunity for discussion ,.. [fills] the first segment of [the program]. In the second part, participants share their own personal experience of the numinous and what such experiences have meant for their lives and spiritual journeys.”
“This topic and … [Dr. Johnson’s] interest in it, have arisen from C. G. Jung’s assertion that the approach to the numinous is the true healing and from … [David’s] lifelong desire for a vital relationship to the Infinite.
[This presentation] reference[s] Rudolf Otto’s The Idea of the Holy as essential background for an understanding of the theoretical and experiential meaning of the numinous.
Dr. Johnson’s central assertion is that the experience of the numinosum is that which underlies all spiritual, religious experience in its many and varied expressions. The experience of the numinous is ineffable, beyond language in its immediate affective impact. It partakes of an ultimate Mystery — of the mysterium tremendum et fascinans. Personal meaning is created from this experience of numinosity through a mutual, co-creative relationship between the ego and the Self, the human and the Divine.
In this presentation, the concept of the numinous, of sacred Otherness … [is] linked to the personal life and philosophical education of C. G. Jung and to the role of the collective unconscious as the gateway to the experience of the numinous Other. The influence on Jung of William James … is also noted. The relationship of the numinous to religious experience … [is] further explored via aspects of David’s personal story and, in addition, … [is] amplified by means of additional “meetings with the Infinite.”
This recorded presentation is viewable through the link below:
“Numinosity and the Quest for the Infinite” – A Journey Conferences Presentation – November 2024
Promoting a Spirit of “Eco-Psychology”
A Jungian Perspective on the Environmental Crisis…and What We Can Do About It! (and Recent Related Dreams)

A Journey Conferences Presentation (March 6, 2022)
by Jungian Analyst and Eco-Psychologist Dennis Merritt, Ph.D (,
and by Jungian Psychologist Tayria Ward, Ph.D (
This recorded presentation is viewable through the link below: